Pedestrian Safety Review Board Holding Summit

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

Macon-Bibb County’s Pedestrian Safety Review Board (PSRB) will hold a Pedestrian Summit on Monday, June 10, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the Bibb Professional Learning Center (2007 Riverside Drive). This will be the second Summit held by the PSRB in its efforts to make roadways safer. The Summit will feature speakers on what’s been done to date and how the county is looking to move forward.

“We want to continue exploring ways to make our roadways safer for everyone, and part of that is getting input from the public,” says Greg Brown, PSRB Chair. “This also gives us the chance to let people know what steps we’ve already taken the past few years based on their feedback and our own research.”

In the previous years, the PSRB has been an advocate for more work to be done about safety, and that has led to the hiring of a Traffic Safety Manager, dedicated funding for infrastructure improvements, lower speeds, traffic calming devices in neighborhoods, working with the Georgia Department of Transportation on its Gray Highway project, outreach to pedestrians, and more.

“The safety of our friends, family, and neighbors is our top priority, and we’re working to have zero deaths along our roads by 2040,” adds Brown.