Local Community Helps Youth in Foster Care Shop for School Essentials

Friday, July 30th, 2021

The young people of The Methodist Home in Macon are going back-to-school shopping for new clothes before beginning another academic year! Local businessowner, Danny Harrison, along with many of his friends from the community, support this initiative by raising money each year for our youth.

The kids have an opportunity to shop for new clothes at Kohl’s, which many of our children have never had the chance to do before this special day. The activity will take place on Thursday, July 29th and Friday, July 30th.

The Methodist Home not only strives to provide the young people in our care with basic needs, but also opportunities to restore their childhood through fun experiences… And shopping for new outfits to wear to school is no exception! We are grateful for our dear friend, Danny Harrison, and his dedication to our kids over the years. Along with the support of others in the community, he has blessed the youth we serve in ways they will remember for years to come.

For more information about this experience, contact Madison Hobbs at 478-751-2827 or [email protected]. To learn more about The Methodist Home, visit www.TheMethodistHome.org.