Georgia Military College to Continue Remote Learning for Summer Term

Staff Report From Middle Georgia CEO

Tuesday, April 14th, 2020

Following guidance from the CDC and Governor Kemp, along with other government officials, Georgia Military College and its 14 campuses, and the GMC Corps of Cadets, will continue learning remotely through the Summer quarter.

In early June, GMC students will begin summer classes either with the Global Online College or as remote learners with one of our 14 campuses.  At this time, GMC will not offer in-person instruction until August; however, if the situation in Georgia changes, GMC is prepared to make a determination to move remote learners to in-person instruction for the summer. 

GMC campuses remain open to ensure student success, our top priority at GMC. We will continue to provide student support services through scheduled appointments. We are continuing social distancing to minimize the overall presence of COVID-19 on all GMC campuses. Per the guidance of the CDC and state and local government officials, GMC staff will follow the protocol of remaining six feet apart from one another, and rigidly adhere to all sanitation guidelines.