OPEN STREETS MACON Connects Neighborhoods and Citizens with Human-Powered Amusement

Staff Report From Middle Georgia CEO

Friday, October 11th, 2019

Open Streets Macon, an initiative of Bike Walk Macon, will return with a new route in Macon’s urban core on Sunday, October 20 from 2pm to 6pm. Nearly 1.5 miles will be closed to vehicular traffic and open to people to walk, run, bike, skate, and enjoy our largest public space, our streets, without cars. The route includes Ash St. (at Telfair St.), Coleman Ave., and Montpelier Ave. (at Birch St.). Open Streets Macon is free and open to the public and all are encouraged to enjoy the streets of InTown Macon as they are transformed into a paved park.

Open Streets Macon is part of the international movement to advocate for a diversity of transportation options by reimagining how we use our urban streets. The movement began in the 1970s with Ciclovías held in Bogotá, Colombia where high traffic streets are temporarily closed for citizens to enjoy car-free streets. Today, over 400 cities host Open Streets initiatives. Open Streets provides stimulus to local businesses, offers a setting for greater civic participation and integration, and builds support for the provision of broader transportation choices.

"From Beall's Hill to Huguenin Heights, I'm thrilled that this year's route will connect two truly great, historic neighborhoods while showcasing the incredible steps Macon-Bibb County has recently made to create more pedestrian and bicycle friendly neighborhoods by adding new bike lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks, and street lighting,” says Bike Walk Macon executive director Rachel Umana. 

Open Streets Macon welcomes the entire community to explore the route and connect with neighbors and business owners in the urban core. Attendees can hop on the route at any point –there is no start or end –and experience Open Streets Macon at their own pace. Local organizations and businesses will offer participatory experiences along in the route and in activity hubs on Ash @ Jackson St., Ash St. @ College Ave., Coleman St. @ Adams St., and Montpelier Ave. @ Blackmon Ave.

Organizations will offer activities like pickle-ball, chalk art, dodgeball archery, Big Wheel races, fitness classes, and STEAM exercises. Additionally, businesses in Mercer Village will offer specials to Open Streets participants. More music will be on the route this year with two DJs spinning tunes at the Ash St. @ College Street hub and Montpelier Ave. @ Blackmon St. hub.