Macon Habitat and Bibb County School District Complete Home Construction

Tuesday, May 25th, 2021

Macon Area Habitat for Humanity and Bibb County Schools will celebrate the dedication of a new home in Pleasant Hill for Habitat. This new home has been built through a partnership between the two organizations and the YouthBuild Program. On Tuesday, May 25, Macon Habitat and Bibb County School District staff and board members will join together with the new homeowner and their family to dedicate the home and thank the many partners that helped with construction.

“We are always excited to dedicate a new home, but this one extra special. The partnership with Bibb County Schools to bring the YouthBuild program to Bibb County could not have come at a better time. The demand for low-income housing is increasing, and the need for qualified employees for our local construction companies is at an all-time high. This project address both needs and replaces blight with a new home in Pleasant Hill. It is truly a win-win for the community.” said Ivey Hall, Executive Director of Macon Area Habitat for Humanity.

“YouthBuild is an important program for students in Macon-Bibb County because it works to remove barriers that are often caused by socioeconomic status, while giving them the tangible skills needed to live successful and meaningful lives,” said Dr. Julia Daniely, YouthBuild Program Director for the Bibb County School District. “We are excited about this opportunity for students to see the impact their learning and work has had in our community.”

To comply with COVID-19 restriction, the event is open to invited guests only. Members of the community are invited to join the celebration online via Facebook. Photos from the event will be shared on Macon Habitat’s page and email newsletter.

The three-bedroom, two-bathroom home follows the same plans as most Habitat for Humanity homes, and has solar panels installed thanks to a partnership between Macon Habitat, the All Points North Foundation, and Mercer School of Engineering. Over the next year, Macon Area Habitat for Humanity is projected to complete another 10 homes in Macon-Bibb and Jones counties. The Macon Habitat community looks forward to more volunteer engagement and events in the near future as the affiliate steps into 12 very busy months of construction. Homeownership applications are available for pick up at 690 Holt Ave. or online at