Mercer University’s School of Business Releases Results of 2019 Middle Georgia Economic Outlook Survey

Staff Report From Middle Georgia CEO

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

Area businesses experienced a very positive 2019 and were expecting an even better 2020 prior to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the results of Mercer University’s 2019 Middle Georgia Economic Outlook Survey.

The survey was conducted by the Center for the Study of Economics and Liberty (CSEL) in Mercer’s Stetson-Hatcher School of Business.

The CSEL received responses to its electronic survey from 145 individuals. Dr. Antonio Saravia, associate professor of economics and director of the Center, compiled the results, which can be viewed by clicking here.

“In general terms, businesses in Middle Georgia seemed to have experienced a very strong 2019 and were expecting an even stronger 2020 before the economic disruption cause by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Saravia. “The indices for net earnings, sales and hiring were all up for 2019 and were predicted to continue to increase in 2020. While companies in Middle Georgia still struggle finding the right talent in the area, the economic sentiment continued to be positive as the economy was expanding. The survey showed absolutely no recessionary concerns, but that, of course, was all before the pandemic.”

Respondents represented considerable variety in terms of company size, geography and industry. Most were small businesses under 10 employees, which accounted for 44% of the total number of respondents. The majority had principal offices located in Bibb (44%), Houston (27%) and Baldwin (13%) counties. Respondents represented a wide range of industries, led by professional and technical service (14%) and retail trade (10%).

The Center for the Study of Economics and Liberty conducts the survey and publishes its results each year. For more information, contact Dr. Saravia at (478) 301-5541 or [email protected].