RAFB Labor Management Forum Charter Signed

Jenny Gordon

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Robins' future hinges on management and employees continuing to strengthen their relationship of mutual trust and respect. 

That relationship took a big step forward Tuesday during the signing of a labor-management forum charter. 

The charter - signed by Col. Chris Hill, Installation commander, and Robbie Tidwell, president of American Federation of Government Employees Local 987 - outlines what issues and solutions will be discussed between the parties, and states that the two must work together for Robins to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of government services and meet its mission. 

Future forums will allow parties to discuss problems and propose solutions as well as relate to each other on a professional and personal level. 

"Robins and AFGE Local 987 recognized and agreed that it's in their mutual interest to create and maintain a strong, cooperative and collaborative relationship at all levels," said Ashley Hightower, Labor Relations chief. 

A past forum generated interaction between the parties and yielded positive feedback, according to Hill. 

"We made a commitment to work closer together, to embrace the leadership traits of teamwork, accountability, respect, transparency, credibility and engagement," he said. "This forum establishes the organization by which we're going to bring issues to the table at the group and installation level, and how we're going to solve problems. We're on the right path." 

Tidwell urged supervisors at all levels to use stewards in their units to identify and discuss problems before issues escalate, and to build morale and listen to employees. 

"Let's communicate issues at the lowest levels," he said. "We're also depending on management to do its part in getting employees all the resources they need. Everything we do from this point on, we've got to perform as a team. It's our future, and it's up to us - we owe it to this community and the warfighter."