“Macon A Better Community" - The ABC’s of Transforming a Community through Empowerment and Collaboration

Staff Report From Middle Georgia CEO

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

The Middle Georgia Association of REALTOR's Affordable Housing Committee, in cooperation with U.S. Congressman Sanford Bishop, Jr.’s Office, Macon Bibb Office of Community and Economic Development, HomeFirst, Representative Dr. James Beverly, Middle Georgia Regional Commission, and The Telegraph, will host “Macon A Better Community: The ABC’s of Transforming a Community through Empowerment and Collaboration! This exciting event will take place on Thursday, December 3, 2015 Saturday, December 5, 2015 on the campus of Wesleyan College.

The forum will address issues and solutions affecting real estate practitioners, community agencies, institutions, and the general public. Real estate practitioners and consumers, alike, will have the ability to learn about the many resources available in the Middle Georgia community that impact affordable housing, and will have an opportunity to consider broader forces affecting the community's affordable housing and community development resources.
Sessions will explore strategies and policies related to tax credit equity, urban blight, community economic development, public housing, employment, fair housing, consumer protection laws, entrepreneurship, and innovations in the housing and community development fields.

The goal of this forum is to provide tangible solutions to consumers by educating them on ways to access proper channels to meet their daily needs in the areas of affordable housing, employment, and sustainable solutions for community development. Dr. James Beverly says, “Our hope is to make consumers aware of agencies that can help them if they are behind on their mortgage, educate senior citizens about programs to help with high utility bills, where to go to seek help with home repairs and maintenance, how to avoid scams, to assist individuals who need better employment, and to advance the work of local agencies that provide these services.”

Each day, sessions will target an area of need and special emphasis will be placed on action, and effective follow-through!

According to Arizona White, chairperson of the MGAR Affordable Housing Committee, “This symposium will shine a light on blight in impoverished communities, and offer solutions to eradicating disparities, and poverty through education, employment, and entrepreneurship. There is a direct correlation between issues that arise in regard to affordable and fair housing, and underemployment/unemployment, poverty, and lack of education. This program will address all of these issues, demonstrate how they are related, and offer solutions by building capacity through partnerships with other local agencies, programs, and community organizations.”