Matthew Michael on Six Ways to Maximize your Website

Matthew Michael

Monday, January 26th, 2015

I think most of you will agree that your business website should be an integral part of your marketing efforts and that you'd like to use it as effectively as possible. The function of a website differs greatly based on the industry, but there are several universal ways to grow your business through better utilization of your website.

Before we look at how to use your website, let's take a quick look at why you should use it:

1. Your website serves as the online hub of your business - it's your opportunity to explain who you are, what you do, and who you've done it for.
2. Your website is where the majority, if not all, of your promotion points to.
3. Your website facilitates a potential client's first, or at least second, interaction with your company.
4. Your website is an investment, and just like any other investment, you should utilize it and ensure that you are making the most of it.

So, how can you best utilize your website? We have included six ways to maximize your business website.

#1: Understand your goals for the website

All business websites share several common goals, such as generating interest, creating confidence in your brand, communicating your value propositions, having call to actions, and being easy to navigate, among others. But, there are also unique qualities based on your industry and before you can truly get the most from your website you need to understand its intended use and determine its most important goals. Read More

#2: View a Google Analytics report at least once a month

Google Analytics tracks the traffic to your website and provides insight into the activities of the visitors. This data can provide valuable insights into the behavior of potential clients and help you better target your marketing efforts. Some of the data reported includes geographical locations, referral streams, and primary keywords and keyphrases used to access your website. Read More

#3: Utilize tracking services  

As you begin to use your website more often and more effectively in your advertising, it is important to track your efforts - the more you know the better you will be able to judge the effectiveness of your efforts. A few easy ways to do that include a call tracking phone number, website forms, and unique URLs. Read More

#4: Add a blog to your website and post at least once a month 

The most effective method for increasing organic traffic to your website (known as Search Engine Optimization) is through the consistent and accurate use of a blog. When Google is determining where to send someone during a search, they are seeking a website with content that is fresh and relevant to what is being searched. We recommend writing at least one article per month that your audience will be interested in. Read More

#5: Drive targeted traffic to your website through a Google AdWords campaign   

It is important to include your website address in all of your promotional efforts. However, the most effective way to drive targeted traffic to your website is through a paid Google AdWords campaign, known as Search Engine Marketing. This form of advertising will allow you to create a list of Google searches you'd like to show up for, create ads that speak to your client, and drive traffic to your website. This is a highly targeted form of online advertising and one that we highly recommend. Read More

#6: Properly maintain your website with routine updates    

Last, and definitely not least, it's incredibly important to ensure your website stays up to date on content, design, and security. Keeping these three areas fresh, relevant, and up to date will portray a positive image for your business. Read More

Your website is your most important marketing tool. Sadly, under-utilized websites are in abundance regardless of the industry, but the good news is that if you can make an effort to effectively use your business website, you'll quickly reap the benefits and begin climbing ahead of your competition online. I believe these six concentrated steps will further your understanding of your company and market and also improve your online reach with clients.

Time and time again we have helped clients grow their business through maximizing the use of their business' or organization's website, regardless of size, industry, or location. M&R Marketing Group walks clients through these steps on a daily basis and we would love to help you. Contact us today for a free, four-point website evaluation on your business website's messaging, functionality, design, and optimization.

About Matthew Michael

Matthew Michael is co-founder of M&R Marketing Group, a full-service marketing agency located in Macon offering website and graphic design, branding, SEO and SEM services, and social media. Matthew and his wife have three sons.